Thursday, 29 April 2010

A wealth ceiling would make the use of property more efficient

A property, or wealth, ceiling would have the advantages of (derived from) making sure that resources are being used efficiently. This means that when someone has above a certain threshold of property, they will not be permitted to obtain more. Further acquisitions will not be recognised and existing property above that level will be repossessed. This means that people are able to only be wealthy up to a certain point. People are prevented from hoarding assets and (thereby, in doing so) preventing the use by others who would derive greater value from them.

The nature of resources and (exclusive) property ownership means that, via rent, landlords are able to accumulate property almost unhindered, when (provided that) their rental income exceeds their cost of living. The extra income can be used to purchase more properties which, in turn may be leased out. Without a check on this process, those with property may accumulate more and more, to the detriment of the Society they are living in.

A wealth cap, or ceiling would provide a good means to ensure that the Society is not hindered by the accumulation of wealth and property by individuals so that resources can be better utilised by the rest.

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