Friday, 16 December 2011

If we own too much land we are violating the land rights of other people

Definition of land rights: We have a right not to be in the presence of those who violate the Lockean proviso. We have a right not to be in the presence of hyper land-wealthy people. Excessive land wealth is a violation of the land rights of others.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

A land value ceiling would improve land inequality

The political right can have no reasonable objection to the imposition of a land value ceiling or limit... because land is finite.

Geolibertarianism is the only solution to land inequality

Unlike other forms of inequality land inequality is a civic and political problem (we are justified to take action...) because land ownership denies to others access to land. Other forms of wealth do not make third parties less wealthy. Land inequality can be resolved by geolibertarianism. We are justified to take action by failing to continue to recognise (no longer recognising) certain land claims. Defending these obsolete land claims will then be seen as an aggressive act.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Planing permission might not always be welcomed if there is a land value ceiling

If there is a land value ceiling or land value tax... it might not be in your interests to be given planning permission which will drive up the value of your land.

Friday, 2 December 2011

It is illegal to make your own home because of planning laws

If there is a land shortage (and no land value tax) no amount of work will enable the purchase of land.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Land slavery exists for those who are landless

If we are landless we are a slave to those with land. If we have no land we have no independent means to get food and so we are a slave to (we must work for) those with land. Everyone is a land slave unless we have sufficient land to grow our own food.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

It’s bad not to have a land tax

It is good if rich people are encouraged to give away their land.

If someone has an excess of natural property to the detriment of others than a land tax will encourage them to give up some of their land. If we can avoid having to pay a tax by giving our land to those who need it we are encouraged to be generous.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

A Land Value Tax would make it more difficult to own an excess of land

Without a Land Value Tax or something similar to it, there is a risk that the land might become consolidated in the hands of fewer and fewer people.

Friday, 20 May 2011

The government is the owner of the land

The only legitimate function of a government is to allocate land rights, which can be done by seizing the land from those with an excess. But this type of action is not the action of a government which seeks to act in the place of the populace, to seize land is adversarial. It (such an agency) would need to be a defensive agency reclaiming land.

The government should share the land with the people

There is a level (of excessive land ownership) beyond which land ownership becomes illegitimate. If our land ownership is excessive this means that others are not able to live independently (and feed themselves) which violates the categorical imperative. It is not best for everyone if some own an excess, whereas it is best if we all recognise personal property. If the categorical imperative is violated in this way it means that the justification to own the land becomes invalid, so there is an upper bound for land ownership and we cannot rightfully own land above a certain upper bound. Land is able to be owned (with universal utility) only up to an upper limit. We cannot own an excess of land. Not any amount of land can be legitimately owned.

The land must be shared to maximise its utility.

It is the government which allocates land rights

The government is what owns the land. Everything which is not constructed by a person is ‘owned’ and allocated according to the collective. The land is owned by the government. If we do not have sufficient access to the land it is the government which is at fault, since they allocate land rights.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

No one should suffer for want of land

There should be no one who suffers for want of land.

Land is a common good. It cannot fairly be owned privately since it has been created by no one living. It was here before any of us. Since land is a public good no one can own it. We should make efforts to ensure that everyone is able to benefit from the existence of the earth, by providing everyone with access to it. No one should be excluded from the land.

A share of the land should be free to use for everyone. No one should be landless. Everyone should have access to a piece of the land. No one has a right to take more than their fair share of the land.

Friday, 8 April 2011

It doesn’t make sense for landless people to support the state

If you are poor and don’t like the landlord class then don’t pay for their property to be defended by the police.

One of the main functions of the police is to protect the landlords. By paying taxes to the government we maintain existing support for the rentier class, which often relies upon the state. It makes sense for (landless) people to withdraw their support from a system which does not provide them with sufficient property rights.